TFTP Server v3 FAQ

1. I have TFTP client behind the NAT server. Why it can not connect your TFTP Server?

A: Unfortunately, TFTP can not work during the NAT server because of protocol specific. TFTP protocol is based on UDP datagramms. Because of datagramm nature of TFTP, NAT server can not identify TFTP client located in internal network in order to forward him a TFTP response from server.

2. After I start the TFTP service, I get 'Can not bind socket. Error: 0x010048' message in server log.

A: Please check if other TFTP Servers are running on your computer. This problem appears because other programs are using TFTP port on your server. You should stop other TFTP servers and restart WinAgents TFTP Server in order to get it working.

3. Where can I find log files?

A: By default, the logfiles are located in Program Files\WinAgents\TFTP Service\LogFiles directory. You can easily access logfiles through Start->Programs->WinAgents TFTP Service->LogFiles shortcut.

3. Does your server support long filenames?

A: Yes, you can send and receive files with long names as well as the files that uses national characters in their names.

4. Does your server support nested directories in TFTP root directory?

A: Yes, you can read and write files not only in TFTP root directory, but in any directory located under TFTP root. You should specify relational path to the target directory in filename. You can use both '\' and '/' symbols to separate directories in file path.